Firestarter 1
Maybe it's the change in the weather, or ripples in the economy, or a fictitious fairy. Don't know. But Dagon seems to be going through intermittent terrible two's lately. I get the feeling sometimes he doesn't respect me anymore. Barking. Biting. Punching. Scratching.
He has always enjoyed dirty clothes. I mean, what dog doesn't? He used to gather them in a pile to sleep on. Lately, though, he's taken to stealing and hiding pieces of clothing. Socks. Underwear. The like.
It isn't all bad, though. First thing he did upon meeting Tiffany was steal and chew up her only bra.
T: Hey now, that's not my only bra. It was my best bra though.
J: The only bra you had here… Haha.
T: Specifics! They are important.